
108 Stars

This big donation came as a big surprise! And it reminded me how important friendship is! As I kept wondering why 108, I realized that it signifies the Interconnection between Body, Mind and the Universe. And that is exactly what an Ironman represents - the battle & connection between your mind and your body in the environment to push beyond your own limits. It's where the beginning and the end meet, where strength and weakness become one existence, breaking through your own capabilities! 

1 = unity
0 = calmness
8 = infinity (just turn it to the side)

Did you know that there are 108 Energy Lines that converge to form the heart chakra? Many cultures and religions including traditions in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jain believe that 108 is a Sacred Number. And mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (born AD 1170) posited in his theory that the number 108 has a way of representing the Wholeness of Existence. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun's diameter, and the average between the Earth and the Moon is 108 times the moon's diameter. In Chinese astrology there are 108 Stars!

So with this said, wholeheartedly I am giving back the 108 miles, which I will dedicate to - of course my supportive friend - but also to Mindfulness and Mental Health. Let this be a reflection to a deeper understanding of oneself. Being totally in the moment and connecting to oneself. 

With all my Gratitude and Thankfulness, this gift will set a new beginning of motivation and training!

Thank you from the "center" of my heart!

PS. As a certified Health Coach & Mental Health First Aider I want to remind you that you can reach out to me for help!

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