

SimKer combines SupportInspirationMotivationKickstartEnergy and Results to provide an outstanding coaching service at home, in your fitness center, outdoors or place of work.

When you get agitated easily, something is missing in your life, you are going through a mid life crisis or your body has reached a plateau, that is when change is necessary to find YOU again. Crises are part of life, and you can fall, but also you can rise! And that is what my mission is "to inspire you to hear that voice in yourself to take on the defeat that you encounter and not let it defeat you". It's your attitude to change to perform the performance of a lifetime. YOUR performance in YOUR lifetime.

"If you always do what you've always done, 
you'll always get what you've always got." 
- Henry Ford

SimKer does not only stand for my SupportInspirationMotivationKickstartEnergy and Results, but also for the training teaching style I lead:  StretchingIntensityMobilityKickstartErgonomics and Recovery. Simply induce your mental karma into your physical state, deciphering the way of breathwork & movement and achieving energy and resiliency.

Kerstin, Kiki or simply K - your Coach is for your SmileIntegrityMoxieKarmaEsprit and Resilience!

I am a certified Triathlon Fitness Coach. Having been exposed to these three individual sports of swimming, biking and running at a very young age, I am experienced in what it takes to endure it. I had my first swimming race at the age of 5, and I continued with competitive collegiate and international swimming throughout my teens. Using my bicycle (it was a Scott mountain bike with aerobars attached!) to commute to school and swim training sessions set me up for great endurance and mental strength. In my twenties I started running more and participated in many road and trail races from 5ks to a full marathon. Finally, I put it all together and I learned to love triathlons leading to becoming a coach.

My clients are all different: from the very fit, who have been competing in triathlons for years to the one who is experiencing a midlife crisis wanting to do the unthinkable - a full Ironman! I can help you with your performance to achieve your goals. We will establish the baseline for your training specifically designed for your goal. So get in touch with me and tell me what it is that you want to achieve, and I will be more than happy to help motivating YOU to meet YOUR best potential!

How do YOU know I am the Triathlon Coach for YOU?

Me as your tri coach I will help you establish your goal and achieve the physical and mental strength to performance all three - swimming, biking and running - all together.

YOUR FIRST SESSION: This is spent by getting to know you and what you are looking to achieve. I will send you a questionnaire to fill in to get a baseline of how you function and what your lifestyle looks like. What are your goals, your strengths & weaknesses, your fears & joys. This session is free of charge if you sign up for Tri Coaching.

YOUR SAFETY: Most likely you already started to swim, bike and run. And that next race might be that triathlon or Ironman that is out of your comfort zone. Or maybe you just want to crush your goal and beat your personal best from your last race. And even if you haven't started at all, whatever it is, we will talk about the time you have and what your training was up to this point. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses will help me establish a training program, specifically for you. Your program will be assessed on a daily/weekly basis and built from there to use your full potential in crushing your goals.

YOUR MOTIVATION: You have or you are about to sign up for a race. So you have already mastered the first hurdle of motivation! Congratulations! No doubt, training will be long, and it will be hard. But with the analyzing of your daily/weekly training my program will help you to become stronger, more enduring and faster. My program consists of different phases like the Foundation, the Build, the Peak, the Recovery, the Taper and the Race. All these vary depending on your physical and mental state throughout training taking into account that you have a life outside triathlon!

YOUR SUCCESS: Your training will be analyzed, your progress monitored, and rest assured, we will celebrate each milestone that you achieve. There are different levels of support that you can choose from, but each week is developed depending on the progress you made the week before. Your training will contain strength & conditioning, swimming, biking, running, breathwork, stretching, warm up & cool down, and technique drills as well as physical and mental focus sessions to direct stress & emotions and of course nutrition help. I will check in with you regularly and my support will add to your success.

YOUR PROGRAM: There is no such thing as a typical program. Each program is tailored to YOU specifically to meet with your goals, abilities, fitness level and lifestyle. As your body is adopting, so will your program. And as your coach I am adopting with you throughout your journey in triathlons.

$250 per month: this includes a weekly program for strength & conditioning, swimming, biking, running with weekly check-ins.
$350 per month: this includes all of the above and a functional movement screen, 1 strength & conditioning session per week specifically designed for you virtually or in person or with detailed instruction or video.
Of course different packages are available on request, and if you just want a simple training program I can help you with that too!

You can follow me on YouTube for Triathlon Training Tips .

Congratulations to choosing to defeat the defeat in you and perform your personal best!
In health,

Kerstin, Kiki or simply K

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