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I started making my own skincare products after having lots of problems with all sort of lotions and creams. I had problem skin that somehow I just couldn't get rid of. Starting of with just Coconut Oil, I kept experimenting and added different Essential Oils as well as Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter, even Aloe Vera

And this is how after many years of trials Sheco Butter came into being! Aka also called The Fluff.

All my SimKerBEAUTY products are made of organic, raw and/or natural heritage, sometimes they are even homegrown and harvested with my own hands. Due to the freshness of ingredients and no added preservatives the products are best kept in the refrigerator. Also note, that in summer the Sheco Butter will be soft in texture or even melt in warm/hot temperatures.

*** shea butter & coconut oil ***

PurelyInnocent - pure organic Coconut Oil

4 oz jar - $17.00
8 oz jar - $30.00
16 oz jar - $55.00

Essential Oils:
*** pure oils, therapeutic grade, organic ***

CalminLavenda - Lavender
LemonUp - Lemongrass
MightyLavenda - Peppermint & Lavender
MightyMint - Eucalyptus & Peppermint
SpicedCitrus - Lemongrass & Eucalyptus
SweetOrange - Sweet Orange & Rose
VanillaWhipped - Vanilla & Almond
WinterGlow - Peppermint & Vanilla

4 oz jar - $20.00
8 oz jar - $35.00
16 oz jar - $65.00

Muscle Rub RubbaDub - Eucalyptus, Peppermint & Arnica

4 oz jar - $30.00
8 oz jar - $55.00

AloeCoCo  - Coconut Oil & raw Aloe Vera gel *

(*Please note: this product has limited shelf life due to using the gel from a fresh cut aloe vera plant, needs to be kept in the refrigerator.)

4 oz jar - $25.00
8 oz jar - $50.00

Oral Care: 
*** coconut oil & essential oil ***
CoCoSwish - Peppermint
LemCoSwish - Lemon & Orange

Body & Facial Scrubs:
BlanCoCo - white sugar & vanilla
MammaMia - brown sugar & espresso

We currently do not ship products in the post due - please arrange for pick up/drop off.

How to use SimKerBEAUTY products

Coconut oil changes its form depending on the room temperature. Its moist appearance will become liquid in hot climates and solid in cold climates! Also Shea and Cocoa butter will melt in high tempertures.

SimKerBEAUTY SHECO Butter is lovingly whipped to reduce the melting or solidifying process, but extreme temperatures will still affect the product. So, when travelling with SHECO Butter products make sure the jar is sealed properly! If left in your car in summer, this product will melt. Keep it cool!

To apply to your skin, put a small amount onto your palm. Then rub your palms together and onto your skin. If the coconut oil is very oily or runny then you can also put it onto a piece of cotton ball and rub it onto your skin.
Do not use too much SHECO Butter, your skin can only absorb a certain amount. The protective layer that the absorbed oil creates doesn't let any more oil in! This means that if you use too much, too often, your skin will end up as an oily mess and will look shiny or greasy, not to mention what it might do to your clothes!
It is not necessary to reapply SHECO butter as often as other natural skin care oils. You only need a small amount to create a protective shield on your skin that will last for a long time. However, if you are new to it then you might experience the oil absorbing very quickly leaving your skin dry. That is due to the fact that no additional water or other synthetic or preservative products are added - it's all organic and natural! So you may find that in the beginning you will have to re-apply SHECO butter more often. But trust that once your skin has reached a healthy hydration level it will start looking glamorous & glowing all day long with only a couple of applications daily. Even better, SHECO butter will work like a highlighter on your skin.

All SimKerBEAUTY products are made from 100% organic and pure ingredients without any preservatives, colors, perfumes, thickeners or chemical additives. We have a variety of different "flavors" and are open to special requests!
Always test a small amount on your skin. Because the essential oils that I use are pure, organic and of therapeutic grade, which means that they are strong and sensitive may have a reaction to it if you have never used essential oils prior. Consult your dermatologist if you are not sure.

Coconut Oil for dental hygiene is called oil pulling. Take 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of the SimKerBEAUTY Swish, let it melt in your mouth and swish it around and inbetween your teeth for up to 20 minutes. The more regular you can do this; you will notice an improvement in your oral health including whiter teeth.

How to store SimKerBEAUTY products
Due to its fresh and raw content and to maintain the smooth whipped consistency keep all SimKerBEAUTY products in a cool place to prevent melting. Any products containing aloe vera should be kept in the refrigerator. 

*** Always test a small amount in case of allergic reaction ***

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is an organic natural oil without any chemicals or additives, and it is even edible! Why would you want to put something artificial on your face when you can use something organic?! The skin is the largest organ of the body so you should treat it with respect! After all, whatever you put ON your skin enters your body through its pores. So an edible skin product cannot be but harmless to your body!

Why is Coconut Oil so good for your skin?
Coconut oil is a saturated fat (medium chain fatty acids or triglycerides). Applying it onto the skin will leave it smooth and soft to touch. This fat does not only retain the moisture content of your skin but also reduce the loss of moisture through the skin pores. After a few weeks of regularly applying, it you will notice a difference in your skin appearance. The fat is deposited under the skin making it look healthy & smoothevenly toned and pores will appear less noticeable.

Coconut Oil also contains three-fatty-acids (capric/caprilic/lauric acid), which acts as a disinfectant and antimicrobial. This means it will protect your skin from microbial infections that can get into open wounds or enter the body through the pores. Taking coconut oil internally these fatty acids will boost your immune system when converted to monocaprins and monolaurins.

Coconut Oil contains Vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin growthrepair and wear & tear. It keeps your skin smooth and protects it from cracking. Overall, it prevents premature aging and wrinkling of the skin with all the good antioxidant properties. 100g of coconut oil contains about 0.1mg of Vitamin E.

Coconut Oil is rich in Protein, which keeps your skin healthy and rejuvenated, externally and internally. Proteins contribute to cellular health and tissue repair; scars will heal much faster!

Coconut Oil does not become rancid!

Coconut Oil is also claimed for being good for several skin disorders such as acnepsoriasis, and eczema. Benefits have been reported, but scientific research is ongoing in order to prove or disprove these claims. Much of the research available speaks to its protein content since the replacement of sick or dying cells that can occur with various skin disorders are quickly replaced by new & healthy cells. This way, coconut oil not only treats the infection by battling the microbial bodies, it also heals the damage or the visible marks of that skin disorder. It is a two-in -one solution! This three-fatty-acid oil kills candida - a common cause of fungal infection on your skin.

Coconut Oil is a powerful moisturizer that is beneficial to restoring dry or flaking skin. Unlike your average moisturizer that contains a lot of water and likely synthetic ingredients, coconut oil helps to strengthen skin tissue more deeply and eliminate dead skin cells while absorbing quickly into your skin.

If you suffer from dry skin, coconut oil can improve the moisture and lipid content of the skin.

Furthermore, coconut oil can be protective against hair damage and also be effective as a sunscreen. It can block about 20% of the sun's ultraviolet rays!

Using Coconut Oil as a mouthwash can kill some harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath. Blend it in your coffee instead of sweetener!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent type of plant allowing for quicker water absorption. It can store water for an extended period of time! Even more incredible, it has a unique self-repairing ability. If damaged, succulent leaves seal off the cut or wound using its internal gel, and the leaf will continue to grow from the base of the plant despite the damage. So, imagine what this can add to the great benefits of coconut oil and the appearance of your skin - your skin's collagen production will increase, and its elasticity will improve! The aging process can slow down by preventing more wrinkles, erythema or redness of the skin, psoriasis, itchy rashes, eczema, rosacea, herpes, Athlete's Foot are reduced. Aloe vera reduces inflammation and is helpful in relieving muscle and tendon pain.

AyurvedaChinese Herbal Medicine and British Herbal Medicine have all advocated aloe vera as a healer when applied or consumed orally. It is the miracle herb that can be used to treat wounds & soresminor cutsdry skin and severe burns.

The soothing and cooling aloe vera gel is rich in Vitamins C, E and beta carotene, giving it its nourishing and anti-ageing qualities. It can moisturize your skin without making it greasy - what a great bonus for oily skin! And it contains so much more: Aloe vera has in fact 75 active components that make it so beneficial and disease-fighting with vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, minerals like calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, amino acids and antioxidants or polyphenols.

Why do we add Aloe Vera to SimKerBEAUTY products?
Adding aloe vera to our SHECO Butter will make the coconut oil easier for application and it becomes smoother in texture. Coconut oil changes its consistency depending on the temperature.
But the main reason why we are adding it is because of the astonishing health benefits that this plant provides.

*** But with all the goodness there can still be potential side effects! ***

The aloe vera leaf consists of two parts, the gel on the innermost part of the leaf and the leaf juice or also called leaf latex which is close to the skin. For our SimKerBEAUTY products we use the gel, which is and odorless and clear liquid, not the latex which is yellow in color and has a bitter taste. The latex has laxative properties and can cause serious health complications when consumed too often, hence we avoid using this part! And our products only contain a small part of gel making it safe to use if you are not allergic to it! We also recommend using anything containing aloe vera only topically and not internally.

*** Always consult with your doctor if you have any allergies. ***

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