This donation is such a huge surprise!
It is M & S - Magically & Surreal!
A whole lot of 865, which is so much more than just a number!
865 - the basic entry fee for IM CHOO without tax, insurance, USAT membership
865 - the area code of TN, where my race IM CHOO will be held in Chattanooga TN865 - the guardian angel number to help guide my path and empowering me to manifest my dream
865 - several long bike rides and even longer runs
These two individuals have proven to me that sometimes great friendship takes time to grow. And part of that means sharing not just your strengths but also embracing your weaknesses. Letting it out on the trail or grueling through vague surroundings and new environments isn't all of it, but the progression and growth to conquer the once unreachable and unimaginable destination and goal. Their kindness and true felt bigheartedness are a precious blessing and godsend gift. It is a value that I am so honored to be part of.Sometimes people walk in and out of one's life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. And this is that kind of friendship that represents a brand new world in myself!
Speechless and grasping for words my heart is filled with love! That love of kindness and acceptance without any boundaries.
Needless to say this contribution will put some fire under my butt to push myself to new limits!It will take me a while to catch up on my promised miles!
Millions & Shedloads of thanks!
Speechless but grateful beyond means, K
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