


With the start of a new year new challenges arise, and I can only say: "Sign up for your next race so you get motivated and most of all started!" And don't forget, I am here to help you with your training in all dimensions of your wellness and your health.

I am also introducing a new page to my website: my Training Plan for the full Ironman in Chattanooga. You are welcome to follow it on here or on my YouTube Channel. If you are racing IM CHOO too, keep checking the Countdown Timer on my website! Let's do this together!

Get in touch if you are looking to get some support to achieve a new level to your fitness.

My inspiration for you is right here with my one and only Couch Potato Workout! There is literally NO EXCUSE!

Come on, let's get started!

In health,


Never too old to DREAM a NEW DREAM!

2025 - Happy New Year to y'all!

May it bring you Happiness, Love & Laughter, Strength in Generosity & Mindfulness, but most of all Health! Just because I truly believe that Health is the trigger point to all other functions of your Body and your Mind!

Join me for another year of working towards a new Challenge, a new Race and a new Mindset! I will be sharing my training plan again online, and I will post updates on how I am progressing. If you need help with your training just connect with me. I have budget friendly options to support you as well as personalized training plans specifically to you!

This is to a NEW YEAR and a NEW YOU! 

You are never too old to dream a new dream!

You can find me here on YouTube 

All the best to y'all!
Let's do this!

Early ChristMas Present!

It's that time of year when you'd rather curl up on your sofa under a soft warm blanket with a hot cocoa on the side and an entertaining movie on TV. 

But with another generous donation, I will be spending some time outside on the trail getting my miles in!

This person always puts a smile on my face not just because of her support, but because of her amazing smile and genuine friendliness. It is people like her who make me love my job and bring out the compassion to helping individuals with their health & fitness. I am looking forward to getting to know this individual and connect with her on a deeper level.

So, let's go chase Santa! 

This photo was taken a couple of years back, before my triathlon journey began. It was a cold Georgia winter day, and Eros accompanied me on a run. Eros loved to run! And he loved his picture taken too - little poser! Here we are, getting in some reindeer steps, embracing the cold and enjoying the sunny blue cloudless sky. 

I am ever so grateful for the support & love I receive from such beautiful people!

Happy Holidays & may all your Christmas Wishes come true!

Thank you so Much M!

Warmest hugs,


Laughter Is So Amazing!

I am slightly overwhelmed as another huge donation is coming through! 

And I am learning a lot about myself too. Giving isn't the same as receiving. When we give, we experience a sense of purpose or some kind of connection or contribution. Excessively without being replenished this can result in feeling drained or resentful. Receiving on the other hand is a beautiful act of vulnerability and trust, the ability of accepting other peoples help and care. And it is a balance within yourself of being strong and weak, between helping and being helped. It's about finding that sweet spot that drives us to be a better person every single day!

As I am laughing, I have tears in my eyes. 
Laughter of disbelief and tears of joy. Laughter is so amazing! And I truly wish that everybody can experience laughter and joy in their life.

There is always that one friend who can make you laugh out load, that one friend who brings out that silly & funny side in you, that one friend who takes part in all the shenanigans and days to remember, that one friend who will go with you to end of the world, that one friend who is so much fun to be with, that one friend who gets you from 0 to 100 degrees, that one friend who is loyal and loving, that one friend that makes you feel on top of the world and just wona have fun, that one friend who believes in you, that friend who brings out that superpower in you! And even though it is not always just one friend, I truly wish that every person in this world has at least one moment or one person that they can experience  joy, laughter & love with! 

I can truly say that I have been blessed with more than one, and I am ever to so thankful to have met all these individuals and that I am able to be part of their life.

With this donation I am asking you to love yourself & everyone else for every second of your life! Go find your happinesssmile like peaches, and spread a little love to those who need it.

I am ever so thankful receiving all this goodness in my life! So I am grooving and doing my happy dance and I wish that right now you would stand up too and do your little happy dance for a very happy day for you!

Thank youuuuuuu 500 times!

PS. And don't forget Laughter Is So Amazing! Click on those orange words to see more content, experiences and fun stuff!

The Golden 50 K

ThanK you so much! 

I appreciate our talks and connecting with you! It is always a pleasure to find out more about the individuals that cross my path, who spend time to connect with me and are open to share their story! It truly is character building to learn about travels, other cultures, food and what makes them tick!

Today I found this magical leaf much bigger than my hand! Trying to capture its enormous size I spread my hand out on it. And then I realized how this is significant for this post!

5 Fingers and 0 clouds in the sky! That makes it a beautiful day.

In Numerology the number 50 signifies to promote fusion between body and soul, mind and spirit. 

That is exactly what endurance training does. It connects your inner being with the outer shell, it links your soul to the environment and ties up your fears and weaknesses to reach new accomplishments and conquer the defeat leaving you stronger than ever before. When I reach that wall and dread to go further I will remember this donation and this particular enormous glowing leaf that will help me to push through and beyond my limits!
And what else can you think than this Wonderful World giving you all this joy and a fabulous playground!

ThanK you K for your support & the new found motivation in this burning and glowing leaf to keep going! 


Profused IMMeasurability

I am still in sheer disbelief and I pinch myself ever so often to check that this isn't just a crazy dream! Grounding myself I am emotionally touched with deeply heartfelt gratitude. 

This donation is such a huge surprise!

It is M & S - Magically & Surreal

A whole lot of 865, which is so much more than just a number!

865 - the basic entry fee for IM CHOO without tax, insurance, USAT membership

865 - the area code of TN, where my race IM CHOO will be held in Chattanooga TN

865 - the guardian angel number to help guide my path and empowering me to manifest my dream

865 - several long bike rides and even longer runs

These two individuals have proven to me that sometimes great friendship takes time to grow. And part of that means sharing not just your strengths but also embracing your weaknesses. Letting it out on the trail or grueling through vague surroundings and new environments isn't all of it, but the progression and growth to conquer the once unreachable and unimaginable destination and goal. Their kindness and true felt bigheartedness are a precious blessing and godsend gift. It is a value that I am so honored to be part of. 

Sometimes people walk in and out of one's life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. And this is that kind of friendship that represents a brand new world in myself!

Speechless and grasping for words my heart is filled with love! That love of kindness and acceptance without any boundaries.

Needless to say this contribution will put some fire under my butt to push myself to new limits!

It will take me a while to catch up on my promised miles!

Millions & Shedloads of thanks!

Speechless but grateful beyond means, K


Going CoCo-Nuts!

This donation is as sweet as coconuts! 

Seeing this generous amount of $200 really did make me go "CoCo-Nuts"! I am truly blessed with great friendship & support. The connection we form of course goes beyond Coconuts, but it is one part that we share ... our love for Coconuts.

As I am so very grateful for this donation, I am thinking of the Coconuts and all its benefits. From heart health to digestive health, blood sugar and immune system, skin & hair care as well as oral health and bone & teeth health this antioxidant healing superfruit can truly do wonders not just internally but also externally. I got into making my own skincare products many years ago, and Coconut oil is one of the main ingredients. Of course you can read up on it on SimKerBEAUTY and locally purchase my SHECO Butter.

These 200 points for promised miles will go towards health & wellbeing.

I deeply value and appreciate your friendship my CoCo-Girl and truly enjoy the time we spend together. It is CoCo-Lisious this will give me a headstart to CoCo-nquer my next challenge!

Much CoCo-Love to you CoCo-Girl!

Thank youuuuuuuu!